What im looking for but...
Very nice! A lighter form of Drum and bass, probably... Breakbeat? Yep.
I like this one alot, try adding an Amen in it!
4/5 Try adding a sub bass too, to give it a more downtempo-ish feel!
-DJ Korrupt-
What im looking for but...
Very nice! A lighter form of Drum and bass, probably... Breakbeat? Yep.
I like this one alot, try adding an Amen in it!
4/5 Try adding a sub bass too, to give it a more downtempo-ish feel!
-DJ Korrupt-
Thanks for the feedback. This one is indeed breakbeat more than drum n bass... though drum n bass is the closest genre here on newgrounds. Not sure it would sound good with the amen break in it... though I might try it. I might try adding bass as well. Thanks again.
Richard Humpty Visson...
I love it!
-DJ Korrupt-
Uhh... WTF!?!
I love the whole construction on this song as well as the sick vocals in the middle of song... Excellent job!
-DJ Korrupt- =3 I did that on purpose.
Whoa, that made my head spin... Thanks for the review!
All I have to say is...
Oh and two more words...
Kick Ass!!!
-DJ Korrupt-
P.S. - Check out Legacy of Korrupt sometime dude!
Kicks Ass... So beautiful... I love how the beat fits in perfectly with the strings, plus the whole construction of the song kicks ass...
Amazing work, this is going to be a definant diamond...
-DJ Korrupt-
The downloads are increasing fast. This might have the potential to actualy be diamond.
We will see.
Listen to that beat!
Has anyone recommended you to be a turntabalist?
Because you totally kick ass, and if you said you're trying to get used to the CDX... You're amazing... I love this alot, very different from any other Drum n' Bass song out there!
If you wanna collab sometime I am definantly up for it!
Great stuff!
-DJ Korrupt-
Turntableist? Thanx, but seriously, I´m a n00b when it comes to skratching, really. It´s not that difficult to pull some basic moves and then add delay+reverb to make it sound coo :)
Anyway, i´m really really glad you´ve found your way to my page!
I have never actually finnished any collab, I´ve started a couple with Weekc (Kingbastard) but never finnished anything. At the moment I´m working a whole lot, so I doub´t there will be much ime left for that, but just pop me an e-mail and well havea a talk :)
Thanx alot for the review!!!
You now just made it to my Kick Ass Artist list!
This is amazing scratch work... Plus once again the beat just blew my mind away... The Fuzz ruled too! 5/5...
I wanna make music like you!
-DJ Korrupt-
Yeah, the Kick Ass Artist List!!! Allways wanted to reach that list!!! :D
Ypou wanna make music like me? Awww, I´m flattered, man! :)
Thanx alot for the support!!! :)
Very Very Different Dude! I love how the beat totally filled in... Plus I love the synth a whole lot... Great construction overall!
Amazing... Just, Amazing! 5/5
-DJ Korrupt-
Weee, man! Thanx alot! Really glad ya liked the song! E-mail me for better version if ya like!
holy shit! Amazing man! The kick drum hurt my heart!!! I love this song alot! Amazing... I wanna make music like you... dude and the lead was amazing... how the hell! *dnlds*
-DJ Korrupt-
p.s. (thanks for the trance help... your very inspiring)
Ai, thank you for all the nice comments!
And also, I appreciate the whole 'inspiring' bit... makes me feel warm insde :) Thanks !
Very well done!
I like it alot! It flows! Cant wait till full comes out!
Sweet, Ill be working on it for a while, i wanna make it a really good song and not be too repetitive so expect it sometime, maybe soon maybe not :)
Not too much in to hip hop beats but...
This loop kicks ass! Awesome man, I love the high hat alot! Sick shit...
You made a person that only listens to techno like hip hop beats.
Keep dropping the beats like they were hot potatos!
-DJ Korrupt-
That's crazy man. I feel like I just converted a Jehovas Witness to a Christian. lol Just kidding of course. We'll bring more like this aslong as you keep listening, rating, and reviewing man. I listen to everything. If you wanna get into this section a lil' more, check out Cajete's page. He's got a ton of shit you'll like if you're into techno.
Real muthafuckin' talk
Booming bass to blow you of your battle pad. Drum and bass is my life, don't you understand?! Even though I don't make music professionally... I'm wishing to get a record label some time...
Age 33, Male
Unprof. Making Music
Copperas Cove Junior High Scho
Copperas Cove, TX
Joined on 4/23/06